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var _clustrmaps = {'url' : '', 'user' : 915346, 'server' : '4', 'id' : 'clustrmaps-widget', 'version' : 1, 'date' : '2011-07-30', 'lang' : 'en', 'corners' : 'squ
Borearctia found!
Female spcimen was found at Chikoy national park, Transbaikalia, Russia, on 2018-07-14. The discovery was made by the photographer of our team, Dr. Pekka Alestalo. Hannu Saarenmaa was watching and after enough photograhy the specimen was lifted into the net. It later laid 170 eggs. Interestingly, there was a light trap (seen in the background) the previous night, and the female was found at noon, sitting in vegetation only 15 m from the trap.