Experiences about the rearing and behaviour of larvae and adults

The presentation given in a shorter form in the annual meeting of the Lepidopterological Society of Finland on April 20th 2013.

Some remarks:

Preferred host plants do not grow in the site. Natural hosts in Finland remain obscure, they don't seem to include coniferous or bog plants.

Larvae should be searched for in odd year August or in June of an even year, or again, end of May till very early June of an odd year. Larvae might hide at other times (a hypothesis based on rearing conditions)-

Two successful overwintering instars were observed: the 3rd last and the last.

A male has been seen flying (in a conservatory) both by night and (probably mainly) by day.

Most of the time it was sitting on a window frame or wings open middle of the floor.

It used to fly towards the lightest window. The flight was slow, but the specimen broke its wings against a window frame very strongly.

Mon, 2013-04-22 13:36 -- Kimmo

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